CARDVAT Hungary Kft as the flagship organization of the CARDVAT Ltd, UK in Central Europe has been established with the exclusive purpose of providing both its Hungarian and international clients (mostly from the EU member states, though entertaining other customers from all over the world too) with top quality business solution as to resolve all their VAT matters with the least possible pain and cost.

Our services:

1. Prepare and file VAT Reclaims (both 8th and 13th Directives)
2. Prepare and lodge VAT registration and obtain VAT Registration numbers
3. Complete and submit VAT Returns
4. Provide thorough VAT advisory services and representation in each EC country
5. Extend VAT on-site consultancy and training, if required services

All our services and related documentation as well as correspondence with the local Tax Authorities are being made in the language and in the format of the relevant EC countries.

Contact :

Please contact us:
Cardvat Hungary Kft
1024 Budapest, Margit krt. 43-45
Tel: 201 2644 Tel/fax: 201 3373